
Showing posts from July, 2023

Last Week: July 9th through 15th

I just realized that I didn't include my media consumption in the previous blog. I don't think I have it assembled for this one, either, but I'm back on tracking it now. Also, I should really make a template for these posts.  On Sunday, Sam and I went to the downtown branch of the Nashville Public Library. I checked out Fun Home and read it just inside of a covered area while it rained in the courtyard, which was a very nice experience. Fun Home is a very good book. I haven't finished it. I can see the objections that people have to a couple of scenes in the book. I also think many people severely underestimate and coddle their teens.  On Monday, I had an online meeting with someone representing a TedX event that's happening in August. She wanted to know if I was right for handling their videography needs. The prep work I did ahead of time led me to believe I could handle it. I won't do it for free, though, and their budget is very limited. We'll see what ha

Last Week: July 2nd through 8th

On Sunday morning, I traveled to Pleasant View to buy a water dispenser for Jessica's new office. The one we bought for the Exceptional Education office is going to stay there. I went home, gathered the garbage, and took it to the dump, swinging by Mom's house on the way to look at possible wood for the BNN set renovation. Not much else happened the rest of the day for me.  On Monday, someone lost something I can't remember, maybe a remote, maybe a phone, so we tore all the cushions off of the bonus room couch to search. While the cushions were off, Sam hid under them, and I vaccuumed. The lost thing, which I can't remember the nature of, turned out to be located somewhere much more sensible. Jessica got home early from work, and made some delicious alfredo tomato bread things.  Tuesday was Independence Day. I went to Home Depot to get new string for the weedeater, but ended up buying some blades to switch the head out for a different style, once I became confident I

Last Week: June 25th through July 1st

I feel like I didn't do a whole lot last week. On Tuesday, the kids decided they wanted to go on a walk on the paved trail at Long Hunter State Park, We took the direction where the bridge is closer on the loop. Sam wanted to write notes about the trees along the way. Nadia wanted to stay with Sam. We made it a little past the other side of the bridge, then turned back. On Wednesday I picked up heavy duty musical instrument cases for free out in Bellevue, maintaining the pattern of getting awesome stuff for not much money at all from rich people who can't be troubled to bother with getting their money's worth out of things they don't need anymore. I love it. Anyways, the cases are the real deal. Heavy and sturdy. Great find. On the way to Bellevue, I saw a car with a bumper sticker with the Gadsden flag imagery, except it said, "Nobody's treading on you, sweetie." It made me pretty happy. When I dropped the cases off at school, Mr. Berardi showed me a lett